Monday, 28 April 2014

go outside.

Now, my dear Canadian friends and family may not appreciate this post too much. This is because my hometown, Winnipeg, Canada, has had the worst winter since 1898 and for much of it I've escaped to Mexico.
Last week, winter gave what we hope to be its final haughty snowfall, although we've said that before.

Due to these facts, this may be ill-timed.

However, last week was also Earth Day! And, beginning May 1 (this Thursday) Canada has been challenged, by the David Suzuki Foundation, to join the 30x30 Challange – where you commit to spending 30 minutes outside for 30 days.

Due to these facts, I think this is well timed!

Since moving to Mexico it's been much easier for me to spend time outdoors. I've even started what I never thought I'd do – running. Those of you who know me well, know that typically for me to run I should be chased by a homicidal clown and be running towards a sign that says "free margaritas". However, I'm a changed woman! Ok... that's an exaggeration. I still don't love running. But, I get it now. And, while I hate doing it, I simultaneously like it.

Anyway, most of my time outdoors isn't spent running. Most of it is spent sitting. Told you I'm not that changed of a woman! Sometimes I read. Sometimes I just listen. Now, my speed of life has slowed down to about a tenth of what it used to be, so for me to sit and listen is a huge luxury. And I want to suggest you try it.
Ok, I've kind of been trying meditation. But I'm reluctant to call it that because (a) I can never quiet my mind and (b) some people have funny notions associated with meditation. But anyways, I make it a goal to simply sit and quiet my mind (as much as possible). I focus on breathing. I focus on the sun on my face. I focus on the sounds of birds. I feel like a hippy saying this, but I focus on the Ho'oponopono phrases - I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you. Sometimes I say this to God. Sometimes to mother nature. Sometimes to family and friends.

What have I found? No matter how homesick, lonely, stressed, worried, unsettled, or preoccupied I was, after my time outdoors I feel better. And why should I be surprised? Studies have found spending time outdoors reduces anger and depression, it also increases energy, creativity, and generosity. Furthermore, it has been shown to lower blood pressure and boost immunity.

With these known benefits, why not go take a walk to the park? Go get your hippie on and meditate to Ho'oponopono phrases. Go plant something! Sign up for the 30x30 Challange.

Go spend some time outside and reap the rewards!

While you're out there (uh oh, geographer in me rearing its head...) pick up some trash! We take so much from this Earth - help it to continue to give.

Go enjoy this great big Earth. Read my blog outside. Do what you've got to do.

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Hey there! I love to hear from people like you! Actually, I'm not sure that I will like what you have to say, but I appreciate that you are going to say it! Keep in mind I won't be responding to rude or distasteful comments. Otherwise, lets be friends and continue the debate!